New Mexico: Ghost Stories and Haunted Places

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Looking for ghost stories...

Have you ever encountered a ghost?
Have you worked, lived, or spent the night in a place that is haunted?
Do you have a spine tingling story to tell? 
Have you ever been helped by a ghostly presence?
Please submit ghost stories to us. We are a new site and are looking for ghost stories from New Mexico.  We would appreciate personal ghost stories, ghost stories you have heard from a friend, and stories about haunted places from the state of New Mexico.  Please e-mail the story to the address at the bottom of the page.
Thank You

Submit your ghost story today.  Stories will be posted on this web site for anyone who is interested in reading a ghost story. 

Please include the place and year your story occurs.  A name is also appreciated if you wish.  Thank you again for your time.  

Please contact me at: